Status bar height of iOS : 20px
Status bar height of Android : 25dp
Category Archives: Devel
How to add a widget on the Home screen
[2013/11/17 Updated] Widget is disabled when you move the app to the SD card.
Apps have no control on adding/removing widgets on the home screen.
The reason is simple. If any app can add a widget on the home screen programmatically, the home screen can easily be a mess.
So, the user should add the widget by himself, and it is simple.
Alternative way to add a widget on home screen.
Making screenshots for App store automatically
Now screenshot for iOS apps should be uploaded before the time of approval. These are automated ways to make screenshots.
How to delete AVD manually
If you cannot delete the AVD from the Android Virtual Device Manager with the ‘The android virtual device XXX is currently running in an emulator and cannot be deleted’ message,
go to ~/.android/avd/ directory below your home directory and delete the *.avd and *.ini files associated with the problematic AVD.
Unable to build: Could not find dx.jar file
My Android development environment(Eclipse) start making an build error like this from one day:
Unable to build: Could not find dx.jar file
I found solutions like uninstall and reinstalling ‘Android SDK Platform-tools’ and performing a clean build, but it didn’t work.
Also, when I tried to install Android API 17, this kind of error occured:
'Installing this package also requires installing: - Missing SDK Platform Android, API 17'
By googling, someone solved this problem by performing ‘Clear Cache’ from the Android SDK Manager preferences, and reloading the packages.
After that, I could install updated Android SDK Platform-tools, and then the problem solved.