Category Archives: IT Story

WebKit, the new standard, is more troublesome than IE?

Opera decided to ditch its Presto engine and change its rendering engine to WebKit, so now the major web browsers except IE(use Trident) and Firefox(use Gecko) is using WebKit.

WebKit is a open source web rendering engine started by Apple based on KDE’s KHTML. (Wikipedia) Apple Safari and Google Chrome browsers use it, and now it has the most market share at over 40%.


However, Dave Methvin, the president of the jQuery foundation and a member of the core programming team, complains that WebKit is broken as older IE versions.

Tragedy of the WebKit Commons

Each release of Chrome or Safari generates excitement about new bleeding-edge features; nobody seems to worry about the stuff that’s already (still!) broken. jQuery Core has more lines of fixes and patches for WebKit than any other browser. In general these are not recent regressions, but long-standing problems that have yet to be addressed.

jQuery is a widely used JavaScript library to handle multiple browsers, and he claims that WebKit requires more patches than others.

On the other hand, Peter Kasting, a developer of Chromium, left a comment :

It’s not clear from your blog post: are the majority of the bugs you’re complaining about things that are still broken on the WebKit trunk? Or things that you have to hack around because of the number of out-of-date WebKit-based UAs? If the former, are there bugs on file at

I ask this because we spend a lot of time fixing bugs in each release, and if there are major problems we’re missing, then I’d like to ensure they get triaged and investigated properly. But the complaint you write here isn’t really actionable, because it’s short on details.

Yes. WebKit is a open source project, and anyone can report a bug and anyone can commit a bug fix. Also, the bug reports are available on the public. WebKit may have many problems, but what kind of SW wouldn’t? Still I think WebKit is better than a closed, proprietary software from MS.

Anyway, the competition between the three rendering engines will be better than a monopoly.

Lovely Video : Yellow Ribbon

Fab Design had done a great job on making this lovely commercial video!

YellowRibbon is a messenger service to communicate in a more human way.

With MagnaLab’s YellowRibbon, you can wrap messages for your friends with beautifully designed ribbons, and place them at the location of your choice for free.

Start communicating in more human way, because now you can.

Available on iOS / Android

Android would run Windows app with Wine

Wine is a famous software for running Windows app on Linux, and it will support Android soon.

Wine On Android Is Coming For Running Windows Apps

From the 2013 Free and Open source Software Developers’ European Meeting, Alexandre Julliard showed a demo of running Wine on Android. However the performance was ‘horrendously slow’. The demo was shown on the Android emulator, so the real device performance could be better.

Debut of OmniFocus 2

Debut of OmniFocus 2

I’m using OmniFocus, Clear and Wunderlist for task management, and I can’t wait for OmniFocus 2.

OmniFocus is a powerful tool, but the design elements of OmniFocus felt a little bit outdated. The screen of OmniFocus 2 looks quite gorgeous.

The standard edition will cost $39.99 and the pro edition, which includes option of building custom workflows, will cost $79.99 as same as the current version.

Also the current owners of OmniFocus 1 will have a 50% discount.

Apple debuts vanity URLs

It looks like iOS developers can now use URLs for advertising.

Creating easy-to-read short links to the App Store for your apps and company

You can also create easy-to-read links to your app using App Store Short Links, which use the base URL plus a specific form of your app or company name. This provides a simple way for users to find your apps on the App Store directly from your website or marketing campaigns. These short links are ideal for use in offline communications materials like print ads, TV spots, app trailers, radio ads and billboards.

The domain( appeared on the Super bowl ad of Star Trek movie.

Apple Debuts New Vanity URLs For Developers During Super Bowl links are not configurable, and the URL could be the company name(e.g., or the app name(e.g.,